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VÖBB's Digital Services

With the VÖBB library card you gain access to a wide range of digital media:

  • New: Interactive media training at Brockhaus
  • European and international art house films at AVA
  • Series, motion pictures and children's films at Filmfriend
  • Numerous statistics at Statista
  • Live recordings of concerts and many more concerning classical music at
  • More than 65.000 e-books and audio books in German and several other languages at OverDrive and Onleihe
  • Magazines und daily newspapers like „Die Zeit“ , „Der Spiegel“ or „Washington Post“ – Overview of the most important e-papers and e-magazines
  • Countless audio books and a wide choice of music: Classical music, Jazz, Pop and Rock
  • Online encyclopedias, language courses and a large variety of interactive learning couses
  • Learning aids for pupils at Duden Basiswissen Schule

Register at My account - Not registered? and explore our digital services!

VÖBB card

Choose your category:


New: Premium journalism from Riffreporter!

A "farm shop for journalism" - this is how the winners of the Grimme Online Award describe it yourself. Here you find comprehensively researched reports, reports and other news, directly from the source.

Log in with your library card and start reading right away!

New: online travel guides of the Vis-à-Vis series

Over 40 city and country guides from the popular Vis-à-Vis series by DK Verlag - shorten the waiting time until your next holiday or use them as a practical travel companion!

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find your travel guide!

New: non-fiction books for children aged 8 and over

The successful children's non-fiction series "memo Wissen entdecken" provides a combination of many pictures and short, easy-to-read texts for optimal knowledge transfer and is an ideal addition to school lessons. Especially suitable for children from 8 years.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Discover the children's non-fiction series memo

New: Knowledge simply explained for adults

The bestselling series "Big Ideas: Große Ideen einfach erklärt" offers a clear introduction to important topics and central theories - well-founded and clear, the book series explains things to the point.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Look up great achievements

Fantastic children's worlds in different languages

More than 300 stories - read aloud by professional speakers - awaken the joy of dealing with language in children. Simply select your favorite book and have it read out to you in your own mother tongue or another available language of your choice! Can be used in the browser or as an app.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find children's books

AppStore Google Play

E-books – German und foreign languages

Recently published e-books and bestsellers in German, English, Spanish, French and several more languages. Readable in the web browser!

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find e-Books

E-books, newspapers and magazines in German

Predominantly German e-books for children, adolescents and adults as well as more than 100 e-papers und e-magazines.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find reading material

E-Papers and E-Magazines

Our E-Papers and E-Magazines, e.g. the Washington Post, Der Spiegel or Tagesspiegel.

Our most important E-Papers and E-Magazines

News service international

Access to over 5.000 newspapers, magazines and jounals from all over the world, from 100 countries in more than 50 languages, i.a. to Tagesspiegel – topical, original layout and in many cases even accessible before the print edition is published.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Read a newspaper

Press database with full-text search

German-language newspapers and magazines i.a. Berliner Zeitung and Handelsblatt. Topical und to some extent with PDF. A convenient research plattform through a wide variety of current publications.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Children's books

E-books and interactive „Superbücher“ for children between two and ten. Access with TigerBooks-App.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

AppStore Google Play

Digital Regional Library Berlin

Digital access to numerous resources concerning Berlin regional studies and urban development as well as regional and cultural history of Berlin - mostly free access.

Explore digital collection


Music streaming

Stream music from different genres up to eight hours a day and download up to five songs per week.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Listen to music

Music streaming and audio books in English and German

Stream classical music, Jazz and world music - more than 2 million songs from more than 160.000 albums. Also: more than 5.000 audio books in English and German language

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Listen to music and audio books

Digital sheet music

The Enote app provides access to a large volume of sheet music - mainly Classical.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only) | Step by step guide for the app (pdf, German)


Audio books in German

Audio books – German and foreign languages

Audio books for children

Audio books for children between two and ten.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)



Digital sheet music

The Enote app provides access to a large volume of sheet music - mainly Classical.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only) | Step by step guide for the app (pdf, German)


The Climate of the World

The service "The Climate of the World" offers extensive information on climate change in a simple and understandable way. With lots of infographics, films, animations and articles.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Learn about the climate

Media skills for young people

The online course “Sicher im Web für Jugendliche” helps young people to find and evaluate the right information online and supports them in developing their media skills.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Start course

Kindlers Literatur Lexikon

The globally unique, scientifically founded lexicon of international literature from the beginnings to the present: 13,000 works from world literature are vividly explained in more than 22,900 articles.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

To lexicon

What do you know about the Internet?

For adults only: With the online course „Fit im Internet für Erwachsene“ you can actively inform yourself about the Internet and enhance your skills.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Start now

The No. 1 vocabulary trainer

For pupils: With phase6 you can sustainably and efficiently learn and train a vocabulary collection for a textbook treated in your lessons.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Select a vocabulary collection and start training

Interactively learn and practice with Brockhau s training for pupils

For pupils: With the Brockhaus e-learning you can learn and practice the basics of German, English, French, Latin and math at your own pace.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Start training

Statistics worldwide

Direct access to verifiable and relevant statistics on markets, politics and social issues: More than million statistics, studies and reports from more than 18,000 sources.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find statistcs

Video trainings

Learn from professionals. The focus of these trainings is on IT, business and creative topics.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Borrow learning courses

Initial and continuing education

E-learning courses (in German and English) for private and vocational education and training, i.a. IT, business and personal development.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Borrow learning courses

Language courses online

Online language courses in English, French, Italian, Spanish and German as a foreign language, i.a. with interactive exercises and educational games.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Borrow language courses

The renowned encyclopedia online

The digital Brockhaus offers access to the proven encyclopaedia on the topics art, culture and science. With children's and youth dictionary!

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

To encyclopedia

School learning aids

Learning aids for important school subjects (including German, mathematics, physics and English), visually prepared and made understandable. From grade five to high school.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Use learning aid

Full access to Duden

The Duden standard works answer succinctly to all questions around language and to selected special topics such as economics, law and medicine.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Search dictionary

Information database about people and countries - historical and contemporary

Biographies, country information, dictionaries, encyclopedias: Interesting facts from different areas, bundled in one source. With access to the lexicon of International Film.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Find information


Video streaming

Full-length videos in the categories concert, opera, ballet and musical documentation. Large repertoire of classical music.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Stream videos

Art house and festival films

European and international art house cinema as well as exclusive programs of European film festivals– convenient from home. Discover the curated selection of short, documentary and feature films.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Stream films

Film streaming

Filmfriend delivers films, series and documentaries directly to your home - you only need your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Stream films and series

Concert movies

The largest online catalogue of classical music videos. Including a jazz collection, documentations and Master Classes.

Quick start guide (pdf, in German language only)

Stream classical and Jazz music videos


In order to use the contents of the providers listed above, you need a valid VÖBB library card and your personal password. If you don't have a library card you can register directly at My account - Not registered? if you reside in Berlin or Berlin surroundings (BVG zone C).

The VÖBB provides its users with access to the linked contents and authentication via its library management system at no extra cost. Since we only make the various digital services accessible via our website, the registration with library card number and password is necessary for each provider individually.

If you have general questions or difficulties in using one of the digital services, feel free to contact the VÖBB service center via e-mail